8.1.6. spatial_mod

class hs_process.spatial_mod(spyfile, gdf=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Class for manipulating data within the spatial domain (e.g., cropping a datacube by a geographical boundary).

Methods Summary

crop_many_gdf([spyfile, gdf])

Crops many plots from a single image by comparing the image to a polygon file (geopandas.GoeDataFrame) that contains plot information and geometry of plot boundaries.

crop_single([pix_e_ul, pix_n_ul, …])

Crops a single plot from an image.

load_spyfile(spyfile, **kwargs)

Loads a SpyFile (Spectral Python object) for data access and/or manipulation by the hstools class.

Methods Documentation

crop_many_gdf(spyfile=None, gdf=None, **kwargs)[source]

Crops many plots from a single image by comparing the image to a polygon file (geopandas.GoeDataFrame) that contains plot information and geometry of plot boundaries.

  • spyfile (SpyFile object, optional) – The datacube to crop; if None, loads datacube and band information from spatial_mod.spyfile (default: None).

  • gdf (geopandas.GeoDataFrame, optional) – the plot IDs and polygon geometery of each of the plots; ‘plot_id’ must be used as a column name to identify each of the plots, and should be an integer; if None, loads geodataframe from spatial_mod.gdf (default: None).

  • kwargs

    Can be any of the keys in self.defaults.crop_defaults: plot_id_ref (int, optional): the plot ID of the reference plot.

    plot_id_ref is required if passing pix_e_ul, pix_n_ul, or n_plots because it is used as the reference point for any of the adjustments/modifications dictated by said parameters. plot_id_ref must be present in the gdf, and the extent of plot_id_ref must intersect the extent of the datacube (default: None).

    pix_e_ul (int, optional): upper left pixel column (easting) of

    plot_id_ref; this is used to calculate the offset between the GeoDataFrame geometry and the approximate image georeference error (default: None).

    pix_n_ul (int, optional): upper left pixel row (northing) of

    plot_id_ref; this is used to calculate the offset between the GeoDataFrame geometry and the approximate image georeference error (default: None).

    crop_e_m (float, optional): length of each row (easting

    direction) of the cropped image in map units (e.g., meters; default: None).

    crop_n_m (float, optional): length of each column (northing

    direction) of the cropped image in map units (e.g., meters; default: None)

    crop_e_pix (int, optional): number of pixels in each row in the

    cropped image (default: None).

    crop_n_pix (int, optional): number of pixels in each column in

    the cropped image (default: None).

    buf_e_m (float, optional): The buffer distance in the easting

    direction (in map units; e.g., meters) to be applied after calculating the original crop area; the buffer is considered after crop_X_m / crop_X_pix. A positive value will reduce the size of crop_X_m / crop_X_pix, and a negative value will increase it (default: None).

    buf_n_m (float, optional): The buffer distance in the northing

    direction (in map units; e.g., meters) to be applied after calculating the original crop area; the buffer is considered after crop_X_m / crop_X_pix. A positive value will reduce the size of crop_X_m / crop_X_pix, and a negative value will increase it (default: None).

    buf_e_pix (int, optional): The buffer distance in the easting

    direction (in pixel units) to be applied after calculating the original crop area (default: None).

    buf_n_pix (int, optional): The buffer distance in the northing

    direction (in pixel units) to be applied after calculating the original crop area (default: None).

    gdf_shft_e_m (float): The distance to shift the cropped

    datacube from the upper left/NW plot corner in the east direction (negative value will shift to the west). Only relevent when gdf is passed. This shift is applied after the offset is applied from buf_X (default: 0.0).

    gdf_shft_n_m (float): The distance to shift the cropped

    datacube from the upper left/NW plot corner in the north direction (negative value will shift to the south). Only relevent when gdf is passed. This shift is applied after the offset is applied from buf_X (default: 0.0).

    gdf_shft_e_pix (int): The pixel units to shift the cropped

    datacube from the upper left/NW plot corner in the east direction (negative value will shift to the west). Only relevent when gdf is passed. This shift is applied after the offset is applied from buf_X (default: 0.0).

    gdf_shft_n_pix (int): The pixel units to shift the cropped

    datacube from the upper left/NW plot corner in the north direction (negative value will shift to the south). Only relevent when gdf is passed. This shift is applied after the offset is applied from buf_X (default: 0.0).

    n_plots (int, optional): number of plots to crop, starting with

    plot_id_ref and moving from West to East and North to South. This can be used to limit the number of cropped plots (default; None).


  • df_plots (pandas.DataFrame) – data for which to crop each plot; includes ‘plot_id_ref’, ‘pix_e_ul’, and ‘pix_n_ul’ columns. This data can be passed to spatial_mod.crop_single to perform the actual cropping.

Return type



If pix_e_ul or pix_n_ul are passed, the pixel offset from the northwest corner of plot_id_ref will be calculated. This offset is then applied to all plots within the extent of the image to systematically shift the actual upper left pixel locations for each plot, effectively shifting the easting and/or northing of the upper left pixel of the hyperspectral datacube to match that of the gdf. If the shift should only apply to a select number of plots, n_plots can be passed to restrict the number of plots that are processed.


Either the pixel coordinate or the map unit coordinate should be passed for crop_X_Y and buf_X_Y in each direction (i.e., easting and northing). Do not pass both.


Load the hsio and spatial_mod modules

>>> import geopandas as gpd
>>> import os
>>> from hs_process import hsio
>>> from hs_process import spatial_mod

Read datacube and spatial plot boundaries

>>> fname_in = r'F:\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7-Radiance Conversion-Georectify Airborne Datacube-Convert Radiance Cube to Reflectance from Measured Reference Spectrum.bip.hdr'
>>> fname_in = r'F:\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7_nohist-Radiance Conversion-Georectify Airborne Datacube-Convert Radiance Cube to Reflectance from Measured Reference Spectrum.bip.hdr'
>>> fname_gdf = r'F:\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\plot_bounds.geojson'
>>> gdf = gpd.read_file(fname_gdf)
>>> io = hsio(fname_in)
>>> my_spatial_mod = spatial_mod(
        io.spyfile, base_dir=io.base_dir, name_short=io.name_short,
>>> dir_out = os.path.join(io.base_dir, 'spatial_mod', 'crop_many_gdf')
>>> name_append = '-crop-many-gdf'

Get instructions on how plots should be cropped via spatial_mod.crop_many_gdf(); note that a pandas.DataFrame is returned with information describing how each plot should be cropped.

>>> df_plots = my_spatial_mod.crop_many_gdf(spyfile=io.spyfile, gdf=gdf)
>>> df_plots.head(5)
    plot_id_ref  pix_e_ul  pix_n_ul  crop_e_pix  crop_n_pix
0          1018       478         0         229          76
1           918       707         0         229          76
2           818       936         0         229          76
3           718      1165         0         229          76
4           618      1394         0         229          76

Use the data from the first row of df_plots to crop a single plot from the original image (uses spatial_mod.crop_single)

>>> pix_e_ul=113
>>> pix_n_ul=0
>>> crop_e_pix=229
>>> crop_n_pix=75
>>> plot_id_ref=1018
>>> array_crop, metadata = my_spatial_mod.crop_single(
        pix_e_ul=pix_e_ul, pix_n_ul=pix_n_ul, crop_e_pix=crop_e_pix, crop_n_pix=crop_n_pix,
        spyfile=io.spyfile, plot_id_ref=plot_id_ref)

Save the cropped datacube and geotiff to a new directory

>>> fname_out = os.path.join(dir_out, io.name_short + '_plot_' + str(1018) + name_append + '.' + io.defaults.envi_write.interleave)
>>> fname_out_tif = os.path.join(dir_out, io.name_short + '_plot_' + str(1018) + '.tif')
>>> io.write_cube(fname_out, array_crop, metadata=metadata, force=True)
>>> io.write_tif(fname_out_tif, spyfile=array_crop, metadata=metadata)
Saving F:\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\spatial_mod\crop_many_gdf\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7_plot_1018-crop-many-gdf.bip
Either `projection_out` is `None` or `geotransform_out` is `None` (or both are). Retrieving projection and geotransform information by loading `hsio.fname_in` via GDAL. Be sure this is appropriate for the data you are trying to write.

Using a for loop, use spatial_mod.crop_single and hsio.write_cube to crop by plot and save cropped datacubes to file

>>> for idx, row in df_plots.iterrows():
>>>     io.read_cube(fname_in, name_long=io.name_long,
>>>     my_spatial_mod.load_spyfile(io.spyfile)
>>>     array_crop, metadata = my_spatial_mod.crop_single(
                pix_e_ul=row['pix_e_ul'], pix_n_ul=row['pix_n_ul'],
                crop_e_pix=row['crop_e_pix'], crop_n_pix=row['crop_n_pix'],
                buf_e_m=2.0, buf_n_m=0.75,
>>>     fname_out = os.path.join(dir_out, io.name_short + '_plot_' + str(row['plot_id_ref']) + name_append + '.bip.hdr')
>>>     fname_out_tif = os.path.join(dir_out, io.name_short + '_plot_' + str(row['plot_id_ref']) + '.tif')
>>>     io.write_cube(fname_out, array_crop, metadata=metadata, force=True)  # force=True to overwrite the plot_1018 image
>>>     io.write_tif(fname_out_tif, spyfile=array_crop, metadata=metadata)
Saving F:\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\crop_many_gdf\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7_plot_1018.bip
Saving F:\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\crop_many_gdf\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7_plot_918.bip
Saving F:\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\crop_many_gdf\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7_plot_818.bip
Saving F:\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\crop_many_gdf\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7_plot_718.bip
Saving F:\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\crop_many_gdf\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7_plot_618.bip
Saving F:\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\crop_many_gdf\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7_plot_1017.bip
Saving F:\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\crop_many_gdf\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7_plot_917.bip
Saving F:\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\crop_many_gdf\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7_plot_817.bip
Saving F:\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\crop_many_gdf\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7_plot_717.bip
Saving F:\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\crop_many_gdf\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7_plot_617.bip

Open cropped geotiff images in QGIS to visualize the extent of the cropped images compared to the original datacube and the plot boundaries (the full extent image is darkened and displayed in the background:

crop_single(pix_e_ul=0, pix_n_ul=0, crop_e_pix=None, crop_n_pix=None, crop_e_m=None, crop_n_m=None, buf_e_pix=None, buf_n_pix=None, buf_e_m=None, buf_n_m=None, spyfile=None, plot_id_ref=None, gdf=None, gdf_shft_e_pix=None, gdf_shft_n_pix=None, gdf_shft_e_m=None, gdf_shft_n_m=None, name_append='spatial-crop-single')[source]

Crops a single plot from an image. If plot_id_ref and gdf are explicitly passed (i.e., they will not be loaded from spatial_mod class), the “map info” tag in the metadata will be adjusted to center the cropped area within the appropriate plot geometry.

  • pix_e_ul (int, optional) – upper left pixel column (easting) to begin cropping (default: 0).

  • pix_n_ul (int, optional) – upper left pixel row (northing) to begin cropping (default: 0).

  • crop_e_m (float, optional) – length of each row (easting direction) of the cropped image in map units (e.g., meters; default: None).

  • crop_n_m (float, optional) – length of each column (northing direction) of the cropped image in map units (e.g., meters; default: None)

  • crop_e_pix (int, optional) – number of pixels in each row in the cropped image (default: None).

  • crop_n_pix (int, optional) – number of pixels in each column in the cropped image (default: None).

  • buf_e_m (float, optional) – The buffer distance in the easting direction (in map units; e.g., meters) to be applied after calculating the original crop area; the buffer is considered after crop_X_m / crop_X_pix. A positive value will reduce the size of crop_X_m / crop_X_pix, and a negative value will increase it (default: None).

  • buf_n_m (float, optional) – The buffer distance in the northing direction (in map units; e.g., meters) to be applied after calculating the original crop area; the buffer is considered after crop_X_m / crop_X_pix. A positive value will reduce the size of crop_X_m / crop_X_pix, and a negative value will increase it (default: None).

  • buf_e_pix (int, optional) – The buffer distance in the easting direction (in pixel units) to be applied after calculating the original crop area (default: None).

  • buf_n_pix (int, optional) – The buffer distance in the northing direction (in pixel units) to be applied after calculating the original crop area (default: None).

  • spyfile (SpyFile object or numpy.ndarray) – The datacube to crop; if numpy.ndarray or None, loads band information from self.spyfile (default: None).

  • plot_id_ref (int) – the plot ID of the area to be cropped (default: None).

  • gdf (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) – the plot names and polygon geometery of each of the plots; ‘plot_id’ must be used as a column name to identify each of the plots, and should be an integer.

  • gdf_shft_e_m (float) – The distance to shift the cropped datacube from the upper left/NW plot corner in the east direction (negative value will shift to the west). Only relevent when gdf is passed. This shift is applied after the offset is applied from buf_X (default: 0.0).

  • gdf_shft_n_m (float) – The distance to shift the cropped datacube from the upper left/NW plot corner in the north direction (negative value will shift to the south). Only relevent when gdf is passed. This shift is applied after the offset is applied from buf_X (default: 0.0).

  • gdf_shft_e_pix (int) – The pixel units to shift the cropped datacube from the upper left/NW plot corner in the east direction (negative value will shift to the west). Only relevent when gdf is passed. This shift is applied after the offset is applied from buf_X (default: 0.0).

  • gdf_shft_n_pix (int) – The pixel units to shift the cropped datacube from the upper left/NW plot corner in the north direction (negative value will shift to the south). Only relevent when gdf is passed. This shift is applied after the offset is applied from buf_X (default: 0.0).

  • name_append (str) – NOT YET SUPPORTED; name to append to the filename (default: ‘spatial-crop-single’).


2-element tuple containing

  • array_crop (numpy.ndarray): Cropped datacube.

  • metadata (dict): Modified metadata describing the cropped hyperspectral datacube (array_crop).


Load and initialize the hsio and spatial_mod modules

>>> from hs_process import hsio
>>> from hs_process import spatial_mod
>>> fname_in = r'F:\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7-Convert Radiance Cube to Reflectance from Measured Reference Spectrum.bip.hdr'
>>> io = hsio(fname_in)
>>> my_spatial_mod = spatial_mod(
        io.spyfile, base_dir=io.base_dir, name_short=io.name_short,

Crop an area with a width (easting) 200 pixels and a height (northing) of 50 pixels, with a northwest/upper left origin at the 342nd column (easting) and 75th row (northing).

>>> pix_e_ul = 342
>>> pix_n_ul = 75
>>> array_crop, metadata = my_spatial_mod.crop_single(pix_e_ul, pix_n_ul, crop_e_pix=200, crop_n_pix=50)

Save as a geotiff using io.write_tif, then load into QGIS to visualize.

>>> fname_tif = r'F:\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\spatial_mod\crop_single\crop_single.tif'
>>> io.write_tif(fname_tif, array_crop, metadata=metadata)
Either `projection_out` is `None` or `geotransform_out` is `None` (or both are). Retrieving projection and geotransform information by loading `hsio.fname_in` via GDAL. Be sure this is appropriate for the data you are trying to write.

Open cropped geotiff image in QGIS to visualize the extent of the cropped image compared to the original datacube and the plot boundaries (the full extent image is darkened and displayed in the background):

load_spyfile(spyfile, **kwargs)[source]

Loads a SpyFile (Spectral Python object) for data access and/or manipulation by the hstools class.

  • spyfile (SpyFile object) – The datacube being accessed and/or manipulated.

  • base_dir (str) – to be used by the plot gdf attribute data.

  • name_short (str) – to be used by the plot gdf attribute data.

  • name_long (str) – to be used by the plot gdf attribute data.


Load and initialize the hsio and spatial_mod modules

>>> from hs_process import hsio
>>> from hs_process import spatial_mod
>>> fname_in = r'F:\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7-Convert Radiance Cube to Reflectance from Measured Reference Spectrum.bip.hdr'
>>> io = hsio(fname_in)
>>> my_spatial_mod = spatial_mod(
        io.spyfile, base_dir=io.base_dir, name_short=io.name_short,

Load datacube using spatial_mod.load_spyfile

>>> my_spatial_mod.load_spyfile(
        io.spyfile, base_dir=io.base_dir, name_short=io.name_short,
>>> my_spatial_mod.spyfile
Data Source:   'F:\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7-Convert Radiance Cube to Reflectance from Measured Reference Spectrum.bip'
    # Rows:            617
    # Samples:        1300
    # Bands:           240
    Interleave:        BIP
    Quantization:  32 bits
    Data format:   float32