8. API

hs_process is a Python package for processing and manipulating aerial hyperspectral imagery.

hs_process emphasizes the ability to batch process datacubes, with the overall goal of keeping the processing pipeline as “hands-off” as possible. There is also a focus of maintaining the ability to record some of the subjective aspects of image processing.

8.1. Classes

batch([base_dir, search_ext, dir_level, …])

Class for batch processing hyperspectral image data.


Class containing default values and/or settings for various hs_process tools/functions.

hsio([fname_in, name_long, name_plot, …])

Class for reading and writing hyperspectral data files, as well as accessing, interpreting, and modifying its associated metadata.


Basic tools for manipulating Spyfiles and accessing their metadata.


Class for aiding in the segmentation and/or masking of image data to filter out pixels that are of least interest.

spatial_mod(spyfile[, gdf])

Class for manipulating data within the spatial domain (e.g., cropping a datacube by a geographical boundary).


Class for manipulating data within the spectral domain, which is usually pixel-based.