Source code for hs_process.spatial_mod

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import geopandas as gpd
import json
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
from pyproj import CRS
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
import as SpyFile

from hs_process.utilities import defaults
from hs_process.utilities import hstools

[docs]class spatial_mod(object): ''' Class for manipulating data within the spatial domain (e.g., cropping a datacube by a geographical boundary). ''' def __init__(self, spyfile, gdf=None, **kwargs): ''' spyfile (``SpyFile`` object): The Spectral Python datacube to manipulate. gdf (``geopandas.DataFrame``): Polygon data that includes the plot_id and its geometry. base_dir (``str``): to be used by the plot gdf attribute data. name_short (``str``): to be used by the plot gdf attribute data. name_long (``str``): to be used by the plot gdf attribute data. ''' self.spyfile = spyfile self.gdf = gdf self.base_dir = None self.name_long = None self.name_short = None for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in ['base_dir', 'name_long', 'name_short']: setattr(self, k, v) self.spy_ps_e = None self.spy_ps_n = None self.spy_srid = None self.spy_ul_e_srs = None self.spy_ul_n_srs = None = None self.defaults = defaults() self.load_spyfile( spyfile, base_dir=self.base_dir, name_long=self.name_long, name_short=self.name_short) def _get_srid_from_map_info(self, map_info_set): ''' Parses the "map info" set of metadata to determine the SRID/EPSG code. Images may be in either a geographic or projected coordinate reference system. This function tries to handle any UTM projection, as well as the WGS-84 geographic coordinate system (i.e., latitude/longitude in in units of degrees), however, the projected UTM coordinate reference system is recommended. Note: The "map info" tag of the ENVI header file lists geographic information in the following order: 1. Projection name 2. Reference (tie point) pixel x location (in file coordinates) 3. Reference (tie point) pixel y location (in file coordinates) 4. Pixel easting 5. Pixel northing 6. x pixel size 7. y pixel size 8. Projection zone (UTM only) 9. North or South (UTM only) 10. Datum 11. Units ''' proj_name_list = ['utm', 'geographic', 'wgs'] units_list = ['meter', 'feet', 'degree'] proj_name = [proj_name for proj_name in proj_name_list if proj_name in map_info_set[0].lower()][0] units_set = map_info_set[[i for i, j in enumerate(map_info_set) if 'units' in str(j)][0]] unit = [unit for unit in units_list if unit in units_set.lower()][0] if proj_name == 'utm' and unit == 'meter': # Note: EPSG code is retrieved from <map_info_set> index 7 and 8 north = True if map_info_set[8] == 'N' or map_info_set[8] == 'T' else False crs_dict = {'proj': proj_name, 'zone': map_info_set[7], 'north': north} crs = CRS.from_dict(crs_dict) srid = int(crs.to_authority()[-1]) elif proj_name == 'geographic' and unit == 'degree': srid = 4326 else: srid = None print('SRID could not be determined from the "map info" tag. ' 'Please make sure the "map info" tag in your .hdr file follows ' 'the convention of the ENVI header file format:\n' '') return srid def _create_spyfile_extent_gdf(self, srid=32615): ''' Creates a geodataframe with a single polygon equal to the extent of the spyfile. ''' metadata = self.spyfile.metadata crs = 'epsg:{0}'.format(srid) size_x = self.spyfile.shape[1] # number of pixels size_y = self.spyfile.shape[0] e_nw = self.spy_ul_e_srs e_ne = self.spy_ul_e_srs + (size_x * self.spy_ps_e) e_se = self.spy_ul_e_srs + (size_x * self.spy_ps_e) e_sw = self.spy_ul_e_srs n_nw = self.spy_ul_n_srs n_ne = self.spy_ul_n_srs n_se = self.spy_ul_n_srs - (size_y * self.spy_ps_n) n_sw = self.spy_ul_n_srs - (size_y * self.spy_ps_n) coords_e = [e_nw, e_ne, e_se, e_sw, e_nw] coords_n = [n_nw, n_ne, n_se, n_sw, n_nw] polygon_geom = Polygon(zip(coords_e, coords_n)) gdf_sp = gpd.GeoDataFrame(index=[0], crs=crs, geometry=[polygon_geom]) return gdf_sp def _check_crs(self, gdf, srid): ''' If geopandas CRS is different, reproject. NOTE: If CRS is not set but there is also no geometry available, then there won't be changes made. ''' if is None and gdf.geometry.isnull().all(): return gdf try: if int(':')[-1]) != srid: gdf = gdf.to_crs(epsg=srid) except AttributeError: # SRS is likely None assert pd.isnull(, 'CRS is not null, yet cannot be determined (?)' = "EPSG:{0}".format(srid) gdf = gdf.to_crs(epsg=srid) return gdf def _overlay_gdf(self, gdf, how='intersection', crop=True): ''' Performs a geopandas overlay between the input geodatafram (``gdf``) and the extent of ``spyfile``. If crop is ``True``, then the polygon bounds will be cropped to the extent of the overlay based on the ``how`` parameter. ''' gdf_sp = self._create_spyfile_extent_gdf(srid=self.spy_srid) gdf = self._check_crs(gdf, self.spy_srid) gdf_filter = gpd.overlay(gdf, gdf_sp, how=how) if crop is not True: # simply return the original plot bounds that intersect gdf_filter = gdf[gdf['plot_id'].isin(gdf_filter['plot_id'])].reset_index(drop=True) return gdf_filter def _find_plots_gdf(self, gdf, plot_id_ref, pix_e_ul, pix_n_ul, n_plots, metadata=None): ''' Calculates the number of x plots and y plots in image, determines the plot ID number, and calculates and records start/end pixels for each plot ''' columns = [, self.defaults.spat_crop_cols.name_short, self.defaults.spat_crop_cols.name_long, self.defaults.spat_crop_cols.ext, self.defaults.spat_crop_cols.plot_id_ref, self.defaults.spat_crop_cols.pix_e_ul, self.defaults.spat_crop_cols.pix_n_ul, self.defaults.spat_crop_cols.buf_e_m, self.defaults.spat_crop_cols.buf_n_m, self.defaults.spat_crop_cols.buf_e_pix, self.defaults.spat_crop_cols.buf_n_pix, self.defaults.spat_crop_cols.crop_e_m, self.defaults.spat_crop_cols.crop_n_m, self.defaults.spat_crop_cols.crop_e_pix, self.defaults.spat_crop_cols.crop_n_pix, self.defaults.spat_crop_cols.gdf_shft_e_m, self.defaults.spat_crop_cols.gdf_shft_n_m, self.defaults.spat_crop_cols.gdf_shft_e_pix, self.defaults.spat_crop_cols.gdf_shft_n_pix] # gdf_shft_e_m and gdf_shft_n_m are considered when df_plots is passed to crop_single() df_plots = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) gdf_filter = self._overlay_gdf(gdf, crop=False) msg = ('Please be sure the reference plot (`plot_id_ref`) is within ' 'the spatial extent of the datacube (`spyfile`).\nCurrent ' 'value of `plot_id_ref`: {0}\nDatacube filename: {1}\n' ''.format(plot_id_ref, self.spyfile.filename)) if pix_e_ul == 0: pix_e_ul = None if pix_n_ul == 0: pix_n_ul = None # if pd.notnull(n_plots) or pd.notnull(pix_e_ul) or pd.notnull(pix_n_ul): if pd.notnull(pix_e_ul) or pd.notnull(pix_n_ul): if pd.notnull(plot_id_ref): assert plot_id_ref in gdf_filter['plot_id'].tolist(), msg else: raise ValueError( '``plot_id_ref`` was not passsed, and is required if ' 'are ``pix_e_ul`` or ``pix_n_ul`` are passed.') # TODO: option to designate any column as the "plot_id" column. if metadata is None: metadata = self.spyfile.metadata # spy_ps_e = float(metadata['map info'][5]) # pixel size # spy_ps_n = float(metadata['map info'][6]) spy_srs_e_m = float(metadata['map info'][3]) # UTM coordinate spy_srs_n_m = float(metadata['map info'][4]) # spy_srs_e_m = float(['map info'])[3]) # spy_srs_n_m = float(['map info'])[4]) gdf_temp = ( gdf_filter.assign(x=lambda df: df['geometry'].centroid.x) .assign(y=lambda df: df['geometry'].centroid.y) # .assign(rep_val=lambda df: df[['x', 'y']].mean(axis=1)) # .sort_values(by=['y', 'x'], ascending=[False, True]) ) gdf_temp = gdf_temp.astype({'x': int, 'y': int}) gdf_sort = gdf_temp.sort_values(by=['y', 'x'], ascending=[False, True]) gdf_sort = gdf_sort.reset_index(drop=True) # reset the index if pd.notnull(n_plots) and pd.isnull(plot_id_ref): plot_id_ref = gdf_sort.loc[0,'plot_id'] # Get NW-most plot_id as plot_id_ref if pd.notnull(n_plots): idx = gdf_sort[gdf_sort['plot_id'] == plot_id_ref].index[0] gdf_sort = gdf_sort.iloc[idx:idx + int(n_plots)] for idx, row in gdf_sort.iterrows(): plot_id = row['plot_id'] bounds = row['geometry'].bounds plot_srs_w = bounds[0] plot_srs_s = bounds[1] plot_srs_e = bounds[2] plot_srs_n = bounds[3] # plot offset from datacube (from NW/upper left corner) offset_e = int((plot_srs_w - self.spy_ul_e_srs) / self.spy_ps_e) offset_n = int((self.spy_ul_n_srs - plot_srs_n) / self.spy_ps_n) gdf_crop_e_pix = int(abs(plot_srs_e - plot_srs_w) / self.spy_ps_e) gdf_crop_n_pix = int(abs(plot_srs_n - plot_srs_s) / self.spy_ps_n) data = [self.base_dir, self.name_short, self.name_long, os.path.splitext(self.spyfile.filename)[-1], plot_id, offset_e, offset_n, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, # buf_X np.nan, np.nan, gdf_crop_e_pix, gdf_crop_n_pix, # crop np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan] # gdf_shft] df_plots_temp = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns, data=[data]) # TODO: Check array size and delete if there is no non-nan pixels df_plots = df_plots.append(df_plots_temp, ignore_index=True) # if pix_e_ul is not None: # compare user-identified pixel to gdf pixel if pd.notnull(pix_e_ul): # compare user-identified pixel to gdf pixel gdf_e = df_plots[df_plots[ 'plot_id_ref'] == plot_id_ref]['pix_e_ul'].item() delta_e = pix_e_ul - gdf_e else: delta_e = 0 # positive means error of image georeferenced to the right/E if pd.notnull(pix_n_ul): # compare user-identified pixel to gdf pixel gdf_n = df_plots[df_plots[ 'plot_id_ref'] == plot_id_ref]['pix_n_ul'].item() # positive means error of image georeferenced to the bottom/S delta_n = pix_n_ul - gdf_n else: delta_n = 0 # print('delta_e: {0}'.format(delta_e)) # print('delta_n: {0}'.format(delta_n)) for idx, row in df_plots.iterrows(): plot_id_ref = row['plot_id_ref'] gdf_e = row['pix_e_ul'] shft_e = gdf_e + delta_e # if `delta_e` is positive, move right/E df_plots.loc[df_plots['plot_id_ref'] == plot_id_ref, 'pix_e_ul'] = shft_e gdf_n = row['pix_n_ul'] shft_n = gdf_n + delta_n # if `delta_n` is positive, move up/N df_plots.loc[df_plots['plot_id_ref'] == plot_id_ref, 'pix_n_ul'] = shft_n # print('Plot: {0}'.format(row['plot_id_ref'])) # print('gdf_e: {0}'.format(gdf_e)) # print('delta_e: {0}'.format(delta_e)) # print('delta_n: {0}'.format(row['plot_id_ref'])) # if we don't actually crop and write the datacube here, we have to pass # shft_e and shft_n so the metadata can be adjusted during/after the # actual cropping. return df_plots def _record_pixels(self, plot_id_ul, plot_n_start, plot_n_end, row_plot, df_plots, crop_e_pix, crop_n_pix, pix_e_ul, pix_n_ul, experiment='wells'): ''' ''' if experiment == 'wells': for plot_n in range(plot_n_start, plot_n_end): # top plots col_plot = (plot_n) % 5 if col_plot == 0: row_plot += 1 plot_id = plot_id_ul - (col_plot * 100) # E/W plot_id = plot_id - row_plot # N/S col_pix = (col_plot * crop_e_pix) + pix_e_ul row_pix = (row_plot * crop_n_pix) + pix_n_ul # array_crop, metadata = self.crop_single( # col_pix, row_pix, crop_e_pix, # crop_n_pix) # lines and samples backwards in metadata df_temp = pd.DataFrame(data=[[self.spyfile.filename, plot_id, col_plot, row_plot, col_pix, row_pix]], columns=df_plots.columns) df_plots = df_plots.append(df_temp, ignore_index=True) return df_plots, row_plot def _calc_size(self, plot_id_ul, n_plots_x, row_plots_top, row_plots_bot, crop_e_pix, crop_n_pix, pix_e_ul, pix_n_ul): ''' Calculates the number of x plots and y plots in image, determines the plot ID number, and calculates and records start/end pixels for each plot ''' # df_plots = pd.DataFrame(columns=['plot_id', 'col_plot', # 'row_plot', 'col_pix', 'row_pix', # 'array_crop', 'metadata']) df_plots = pd.DataFrame(columns=['fname_in', 'plot_id_ref', 'col_plot', 'row_plot', 'pix_e_ul', 'pix_n_ul']) row_plot = -1 plot_n_start = 0 plot_n_end = n_plots_x * row_plots_top df_plots, row_plot = self._record_pixels( plot_id_ul, plot_n_start, plot_n_end, row_plot, df_plots, crop_e_pix, crop_n_pix, pix_e_ul, pix_n_ul) if row_plots_bot > 0: # do the same for bottom, adjusting start/end plot_n_start = plot_n_end plot_n_bot = n_plots_x * row_plots_bot plot_n_end = plot_n_end + plot_n_bot df_plots, row_plot = self._record_pixels( plot_id_ul, plot_n_start, plot_n_end, row_plot, df_plots, crop_e_pix, crop_n_pix, pix_e_ul, pix_n_ul) return df_plots def _check_alley(self, plot_id_ul, n_plots_y, rows_pix, pix_n_ul, crop_n_pix, alley_size_pix): ''' Calculates whether there is an alleyway in the image (based on plot configuration), then adjusts n_plots_y so it is correct after considering the alley rows_pix (``int``): number of pixel rows in image ''' plot_id_tens = abs(plot_id_ul) % 100 row_plots_top = plot_id_tens % n_plots_y if row_plots_top == 0: # gets number of plots left in block row_plots_top = n_plots_y # remainder is 0, not 9.. # we have plots left until alley, but image may not extend that far pix_avail = rows_pix - abs(pix_n_ul) # number of pixels south of ul row_plots_avail = int(pix_avail / crop_n_pix) # gets number of whole plots if row_plots_top > row_plots_avail: row_plots_top = row_plots_avail if row_plots_top < row_plots_avail: # gets remaining pixels south of block pix_remain = (pix_avail - (row_plots_top * abs(crop_n_pix))) else: # no plots at the bottom block, just at the top block row_plots_bot = 0 return row_plots_top, row_plots_bot if pix_remain >= abs(alley_size_pix + crop_n_pix): # have room for more plots (must still remove 2 rows of plots) # calculate rows remain after skip row_plots_bot = int(abs((pix_remain + alley_size_pix) / crop_n_pix)) # n_plots_y = row_plots_top + row_plots_bot # these are for if alley_size_pix is large but crop_n_pix is relatively small.. else: # n_plots_y = row_plots_top row_plots_bot = 0 # elif pix_remain >= abs(crop_n_pix) * 2: # # remove 2 rows of plots # n_plots_y -= 2 # elif pix_remain >= abs(crop_n_pix): # # remove 1 row of plots # n_plots_y -= 1 # else: # # works out perfect.. don't have to change anything # pass return row_plots_top, row_plots_bot def _get_corners(self, pix_ul, crop_pix, buf_pix): ''' Gets the upper left and lower right corner of the cropped array. If necessary, applies the buffer to the coordinates. This is a generic function that can be used in either the easting or northing direction. Parameters: pix_ul (``int``): upper left pixel coordinate as an index (first pixel is zero; can be either easting or northing direction). crop_pix (``int``): number of pixels to be cropped (before applying the buffer). buf_pix (``int``): number of pixels to buffer Returns: 2-element ``tuple`` containing - **pix_ul** (``int``): upper left pixel coordinate after applying the buffer. - **pix_lr** (``int``): lower right pixel coordinate after applying the buffer. ''' pix_lr = pix_ul + crop_pix if buf_pix is not None: pix_ul += buf_pix pix_lr -= buf_pix return int(pix_ul), int(pix_lr) def _handle_defaults(self, e_pix, n_pix, e_m, n_m, group='crop', spyfile=None): ''' If these are set to ``None``, retrieves default values from ``spatial_mod.defaults``, which can be accessed and modified by an instance of this class by a higher level program. Also converts betweeen pixel units and map units if one is populated and the other is ``None``. ''' if not isinstance(spyfile, SpyFile.SpyFile): spyfile = self.spyfile else: self.load_spyfile( spyfile, base_dir=self.base_dir, name_long=self.name_long, name_short=self.name_short) if group == 'crop': if pd.isnull(e_pix) and pd.isnull(e_m): e_pix = self.defaults.crop_defaults.crop_e_pix e_m = self.defaults.crop_defaults.crop_e_m if pd.isnull(n_pix) and pd.isnull(n_m): n_pix = self.defaults.crop_defaults.crop_n_pix n_m = self.defaults.crop_defaults.crop_n_m elif group == 'alley': if pd.isnull(e_pix) and pd.isnull(e_m): e_pix = self.defaults.crop_defaults.alley_size_e_pix e_m = self.defaults.crop_defaults.alley_size_e_m if pd.isnull(n_pix) and pd.isnull(n_m): n_pix = self.defaults.crop_defaults.alley_size_n_pix n_m = self.defaults.crop_defaults.alley_size_n_m elif group == 'buffer': if pd.isnull(e_pix) and pd.isnull(e_m): e_pix = self.defaults.crop_defaults.buf_e_pix e_m = self.defaults.crop_defaults.buf_e_m if pd.isnull(n_pix) and pd.isnull(n_m): n_pix = self.defaults.crop_defaults.buf_n_pix n_m = self.defaults.crop_defaults.buf_n_m elif group == 'gdf_shft': if pd.isnull(e_pix) and pd.isnull(e_m): e_pix = self.defaults.crop_defaults.gdf_shft_e_pix e_m = self.defaults.crop_defaults.gdf_shft_e_m if pd.isnull(n_pix) and pd.isnull(n_m): n_pix = self.defaults.crop_defaults.gdf_shft_n_pix n_m = self.defaults.crop_defaults.gdf_shft_n_m if pd.isnull(e_pix) and pd.notnull(e_m): e_pix = int(round(e_m / self.spy_ps_e)) elif pd.notnull(e_pix) and pd.isnull(e_m): e_m = e_pix * self.spy_ps_e if pd.isnull(n_pix) and pd.notnull(n_m): n_pix = int(round(n_m / self.spy_ps_n)) elif pd.notnull(n_pix) and pd.isnull(n_m): n_m = n_pix * self.spy_ps_n return e_pix, n_pix, e_m, n_m def _read_plot_shp(self): ''' Reads shapefile of plot bounds and record upper left (northwest) corner of each plot ''' assert self.df_shp is not None, 'Please load a shapefile\n' df_shp = self.df_shp.copy() drv = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') ds_shp = drv.Open(self.fname_shp, 0) if ds_shp is None: print('Could not open {0}'.format(self.fname_shp)) layer = ds_shp.GetLayer() for feat in layer: geom = feat.GetGeometryRef() bounds = geom.GetBoundary() bounds_dict = json.loads(bounds.ExportToJson()) bounds_coords = bounds_dict['coordinates'] plot_id = feat.GetField('plot_id') x, y = zip(*bounds_coords) ul_x_utm = min(x) ul_y_utm = max(y) df_temp = pd.DataFrame(data=[[plot_id, ul_x_utm, ul_y_utm]], columns=df_shp.columns) df_shp = df_shp.append(df_temp, ignore_index=True) self.df_shp = df_shp def _pix_to_mapunit(self, e_m, n_m, e_pix, n_pix, ps_e=None, ps_n=None): ''' Converts between pixel units and map units (e.g., UTM meters). Parameters: e_m (``float``): easting map unit coordinate. n_m (``float``): northing map unit coordinate. e_pix (``int``): easting pixel coordinate. n_pix (``int``): northing pixel coordinate. ''' if ps_e is None: ps_e = self.spy_ps_e if ps_n is None: ps_n = self.spy_ps_n if pd.isnull(e_pix) and pd.notnull(e_m): e_pix = int(e_m / ps_e) elif pd.notnull(e_pix) and pd.isnull(e_m): e_m = e_pix * ps_e if pd.isnull(n_pix) and pd.notnull(n_m): n_pix = int(n_m / ps_n) elif pd.notnull(n_pix) and pd.isnull(n_m): n_m = n_pix * ps_n return e_m, n_m, e_pix, n_pix def _shift_by_gdf(self, gdf, plot_id_ref, buf_e_m, buf_n_m, gdf_shft_e_m, gdf_shft_n_m): ''' Applies a shift to the geotransform of a plot based on its location as determined by the geometry of the ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame``. This effectively centers each cropped datacube within its plot boundary. Parameters: df_plots (pandas.DataFrame): gdf (geopandas.GeoDataFrame): plot_id buf_e_m buf_n_m ''' gdf_plot = gdf[gdf['plot_id'] == plot_id_ref] if pd.isnull(buf_e_m): buf_e_m = 0 if pd.isnull(buf_n_m): buf_n_m = 0 if pd.isnull(gdf_shft_e_m): gdf_shft_e_m = 0 if pd.isnull(gdf_shft_n_m): gdf_shft_n_m = 0 ul_x_utm = gdf_plot['geometry'].bounds['minx'].item() + buf_e_m + gdf_shft_e_m ul_y_utm = gdf_plot['geometry'].bounds['maxy'].item() - buf_n_m + gdf_shft_n_m return ul_x_utm, ul_y_utm def _crop_many_grid(self, plot_id_ul, pix_e_ul, pix_n_ul, crop_e_m=9.170, crop_n_m=3.049, crop_e_pix=None, crop_n_pix=None, buf_e_pix=None, buf_n_pix=None, buf_e_m=None, buf_n_m=None, alley_size_e_m=None, alley_size_n_m=None, alley_size_e_pix=None, alley_size_n_pix=None, n_plots_x=5, n_plots_y=9, spyfile=None): ''' Crops many plots from a single image by calculating the distance between plots based on ``crop_X_Y``, ``n_plots_X/Y``, and ``alley_size_X_Y`` parameters. Parameters: plot_id_ul (``int``): the plot ID of the upper left (northwest-most) plot to be cropped. pix_e_ul (``int``): upper left pixel column (easting) of ``plot_id_ul``. pix_n_ul (``int``): upper left pixel row (northing) of ``plot_id_ul``. crop_e_m (``float``, optional): length of each row (easting direction) in the cropped image (in map units; e.g., meters). crop_n_m (``float``, optional): length of each column (northing direction) in the cropped image (in map units; e.g., meters). crop_e_pix (``int``, optional): number of pixels in each row in the cropped image. crop_n_pix (``int``, optional): number of pixels in each column in the cropped image. buf_e_m (``float``, optional): The buffer distance in the easting direction (in map units; e.g., meters) to be applied after calculating the original crop area; the buffer is considered after ``crop_X_m`` / ``crop_X_pix``. A positive value will reduce the size of ``crop_X_m`` / ``crop_X_pix``, and a negative value will increase it. buf_n_m (``float``, optional): The buffer distance in the northing direction (in map units; e.g., meters) to be applied after calculating the original crop area; the buffer is considered after ``crop_X_m`` / ``crop_X_pix``. A positive value will reduce the size of ``crop_X_m`` / ``crop_X_pix``, and a negative value will increase it. buf_e_pix (``int``, optional): The buffer distance in the easting direction (in pixel units) to be applied after calculating the original crop area. buf_n_pix (``int``, optional): The buffer distance in the northing direction (in pixel units) to be applied after calculating the original crop area. alley_size_e_m (``int``, optional): Should be passed if there are alleys passing across the E/W direction of the plots that are not accounted for by the ``crop_X_Y`` parameters. Used together with ``n_plots_x`` to determine the plots represented in a particular datacube. alley_size_n_m (``int``, optional): Should be passed if there are alleys passing across the N/S direction of the plots that are not accounted for by the ``crop_X_Y`` parameters. Used together with ``n_plots_y`` to determine the plots represented in a particular datacube. alley_size_e_pix (``float``, optional): see ``alley_size_e_m``. alley_size_n_pix (``float``, optional): see ``alley_size_n_m``. n_plots_x (``int``): number of plots in a row in east/west direction (default: 5). n_plots_y (``int``): number of plots in a row in north/south direction (default: 9). spyfile (``SpyFile`` object): The datacube to crop; if ``None``, loads datacube and band information from ``spatial_mod.spyfile`` (default: ``None``). Returns: ``pandas.DataFrame``: - **df_plots** (``pandas.DataFrame``) -- data for which to crop each plot; includes 'plot_id_ref', 'pix_e_ul', and 'pix_n_ul' columns. This data can be passed to ``spatial_mod.crop_single()`` to perform the actual cropping. Note: Either the pixel coordinate or the map unit coordinate should be passed for ``crop_X_Y`` and ``buf_X_Y`` in each direction (i.e., easting and northing). Do not pass both. Example: ''' if spyfile is None: spyfile = self.spyfile elif isinstance(spyfile, SpyFile.SpyFile): self.load_spyfile( spyfile, base_dir=self.base_dir, name_long=self.name_long, name_short=self.name_short) msg1 = ('Either crop_size_XX_m or crop_size_XX_pix should be passed. ' 'Please pass one or the other.') msg2 = ('Either crop_size_XX_m or crop_size_XX_pix should be passed. ' 'Do not pass both.') assert not all( v is None for v in [crop_e_m, crop_e_pix]), msg1 assert not all( v is not None for v in [crop_e_m, crop_e_pix]), msg2 crop_e_m, crop_n_m, crop_e_pix, crop_n_pix = self._pix_to_mapunit( crop_e_m, crop_n_m, crop_e_pix, crop_n_pix) buf_e_m, buf_n_m, buf_e_pix, buf_n_pix = self._pix_to_mapunit( buf_e_m, buf_n_m, buf_e_pix, buf_n_pix) alley_size_e_m, alley_size_n_m, alley_size_e_pix, alley_size_e_pix =\ self._pix_to_mapunit(alley_size_e_m, alley_size_n_m, alley_size_e_pix, alley_size_e_pix) row_plots_top, row_plots_bot = self._check_alley( plot_id_ul, n_plots_y, spyfile.nrows, pix_n_ul, crop_n_pix, alley_size_n_pix) df_plots = self._calc_size(plot_id_ul, n_plots_x, row_plots_top, row_plots_bot, crop_e_pix, crop_n_pix, pix_e_ul, pix_n_ul) return df_plots # crop_e_m (``float``, optional): length of each row (easting # direction) of the cropped image in map units (e.g., meters; # default: ``None``). # crop_n_m (``float``, optional): length of each column (northing # direction) of the cropped image in map units (e.g., meters; # default: ``None``) # crop_e_pix (``int``, optional): number of pixels in each row in the # cropped image (default: ``None``). # crop_n_pix (``int``, optional): number of pixels in each column in # the cropped image (default: ``None``). # buf_e_m (``float``, optional): The buffer distance in the easting # direction (in map units; e.g., meters) to be applied after # calculating the original crop area; the buffer is considered # after ``crop_X_m`` / ``crop_X_pix``. A positive value will # reduce the size of ``crop_X_m`` / ``crop_X_pix``, and a # negative value will increase it (default: ``None``). # buf_n_m (``float``, optional): The buffer distance in the northing # direction (in map units; e.g., meters) to be applied after # calculating the original crop area; the buffer is considered # after ``crop_X_m`` / ``crop_X_pix``. A positive value will # reduce the size of ``crop_X_m`` / ``crop_X_pix``, and a # negative value will increase it (default: ``None``). # buf_e_pix (``int``, optional): The buffer distance in the easting # direction (in pixel units) to be applied after calculating the # original crop area (default: ``None``). # buf_n_pix (``int``, optional): The buffer distance in the northing # direction (in pixel units) to be applied after calculating the # original crop area (default: ``None``). # crop_many_gdf should have crop_ and buf_ because otherwise it gets complicated # if you have to worry about all that during crop_single. In batch, these values # are passed in the spreadsheet, but if they are ignored during crop_many, then # there are a bunch of if/else statements deciding if the output of crop_many should # be used or if the spreadsheet should override the crop_many df.. # In batch mode, it's easier to pass them directly to crop_many from the spreadsheet, # then let the df dictate everything that is passed to crop_single. We just have # to be sure that things like buf aren't passed twice (once in crop_many, then # again in crop_single), where the buffer might be applied twice. def _check_crop_defaults(self, **kwargs): ''' Checks passed parameters against self.defaults.crop_defaults. The passed parameters takes precedence. If ``None`` is passed for a kwarg, defaults.crop_defaults is checked and the variable is populated from there. Parameters: **kwargs: A dict of keyword arguments to be checked against self.defaults.crop_defaults. ''' for k in self.defaults.crop_defaults: # all the allowed params # if k not in kwargs and self.defaults.crop_defaults[k] is not None: if k not in kwargs: # set to that of defaults, even if it is null so it is guarenteed to exist kwargs[k] = self.defaults.crop_defaults[k] elif kwargs[k] is None: # and self.defaults.crop_defaults[k] is not None: # set to that of defaults if passed as None kwargs[k] = self.defaults.crop_defaults[k] return kwargs # kwargs_null = {k:v for k,v in kwargs.items() if v is None} # for k in kwargs_null: # if k in self.defaults.crop_defaults and self.defaults.crop_defaults[k] is not None: # kwargs_null[k] = self.defaults.crop_defaults[k] # return kwargs_null def _append_null_rows_cols(self, array_crop, pix_e_ul_correct, pix_n_ul_correct): ''' Appends null rows or columns to the left or top of array_crop. This function is necessary when gdf spans to the west or south(?) of the image extend. In this case, spyfile.read_subregion() returns an invalid array. ''' if pix_e_ul_correct is not None: # add abs(pix_e_ul_correct) nan columns to left of array_crop a = array_crop.copy() array_crop = np.zeros(( a.shape[0], a.shape[1]+np.abs(pix_e_ul_correct), a.shape[2]), dtype=a.dtype) # array_crop[:] = np.nan array_crop[:,np.abs(pix_e_ul_correct):,:] = a if pix_n_ul_correct is not None: # add abs(pix_n_ul_correct) nan columns to top of array_crop a = array_crop.copy() array_crop = np.zeros(( a.shape[0]+np.abs(pix_n_ul_correct), a.shape[1], a.shape[2]), dtype=a.dtype) # array_crop[:] = np.nan array_crop[np.abs(pix_n_ul_correct):,:,:] = a return array_crop
[docs] def crop_many_gdf(self, spyfile=None, gdf=None, **kwargs): # plot_id_ref=None, # pix_e_ul=None, pix_n_ul=None, # crop_e_m=None, crop_n_m=None, crop_e_pix=None, crop_n_pix=None, # buf_e_m=None, buf_n_m=None, buf_e_pix=None, buf_n_pix=None, # gdf_shft_e_m=None, gdf_shft_n_m=None, # gdf_shft_e_pix=None, gdf_shft_n_pix=None, n_plots=None): ''' Crops many plots from a single image by comparing the image to a polygon file (``geopandas.GoeDataFrame``) that contains plot information and geometry of plot boundaries. Parameters: spyfile (``SpyFile`` object, optional): The datacube to crop; if ``None``, loads datacube and band information from ``spatial_mod.spyfile`` (default: ``None``). gdf (``geopandas.GeoDataFrame``, optional): the plot IDs and polygon geometery of each of the plots; 'plot_id' must be used as a column name to identify each of the plots, and should be an integer; if ``None``, loads geodataframe from ``spatial_mod.gdf`` (default: ``None``). kwargs: Can be any of the keys in self.defaults.crop_defaults: plot_id_ref (``int``, optional): the plot ID of the reference plot. ``plot_id_ref`` is required if passing ``pix_e_ul``, ``pix_n_ul``, or ``n_plots`` because it is used as the reference point for any of the adjustments/modifications dictated by said parameters. ``plot_id_ref`` must be present in the ``gdf``, and the extent of ``plot_id_ref`` must intersect the extent of the datacube (default: ``None``). pix_e_ul (``int``, optional): upper left pixel column (easting) of ``plot_id_ref``; this is used to calculate the offset between the GeoDataFrame geometry and the approximate image georeference error (default: ``None``). pix_n_ul (``int``, optional): upper left pixel row (northing) of ``plot_id_ref``; this is used to calculate the offset between the GeoDataFrame geometry and the approximate image georeference error (default: ``None``). crop_e_m (``float``, optional): length of each row (easting direction) of the cropped image in map units (e.g., meters; default: ``None``). crop_n_m (``float``, optional): length of each column (northing direction) of the cropped image in map units (e.g., meters; default: ``None``) crop_e_pix (``int``, optional): number of pixels in each row in the cropped image (default: ``None``). crop_n_pix (``int``, optional): number of pixels in each column in the cropped image (default: ``None``). buf_e_m (``float``, optional): The buffer distance in the easting direction (in map units; e.g., meters) to be applied after calculating the original crop area; the buffer is considered after ``crop_X_m`` / ``crop_X_pix``. A positive value will reduce the size of ``crop_X_m`` / ``crop_X_pix``, and a negative value will increase it (default: ``None``). buf_n_m (``float``, optional): The buffer distance in the northing direction (in map units; e.g., meters) to be applied after calculating the original crop area; the buffer is considered after ``crop_X_m`` / ``crop_X_pix``. A positive value will reduce the size of ``crop_X_m`` / ``crop_X_pix``, and a negative value will increase it (default: ``None``). buf_e_pix (``int``, optional): The buffer distance in the easting direction (in pixel units) to be applied after calculating the original crop area (default: ``None``). buf_n_pix (``int``, optional): The buffer distance in the northing direction (in pixel units) to be applied after calculating the original crop area (default: ``None``). gdf_shft_e_m (``float``): The distance to shift the cropped datacube from the upper left/NW plot corner in the east direction (negative value will shift to the west). Only relevent when ``gdf`` is passed. This shift is applied after the offset is applied from buf_X (default: 0.0). gdf_shft_n_m (``float``): The distance to shift the cropped datacube from the upper left/NW plot corner in the north direction (negative value will shift to the south). Only relevent when ``gdf`` is passed. This shift is applied after the offset is applied from buf_X (default: 0.0). gdf_shft_e_pix (``int``): The pixel units to shift the cropped datacube from the upper left/NW plot corner in the east direction (negative value will shift to the west). Only relevent when ``gdf`` is passed. This shift is applied after the offset is applied from buf_X (default: 0.0). gdf_shft_n_pix (``int``): The pixel units to shift the cropped datacube from the upper left/NW plot corner in the north direction (negative value will shift to the south). Only relevent when ``gdf`` is passed. This shift is applied after the offset is applied from buf_X (default: 0.0). n_plots (``int``, optional): number of plots to crop, starting with ``plot_id_ref`` and moving from West to East and North to South. This can be used to limit the number of cropped plots (default; ``None``). Returns: ``pandas.DataFrame``: - **df_plots** (``pandas.DataFrame``) -- data for which to crop each plot; includes 'plot_id_ref', 'pix_e_ul', and 'pix_n_ul' columns. This data can be passed to ``spatial_mod.crop_single`` to perform the actual cropping. Note: If ``pix_e_ul`` or ``pix_n_ul`` are passed, the pixel offset from the northwest corner of ``plot_id_ref`` will be calculated. This offset is then applied to all plots within the extent of the image to systematically shift the actual upper left pixel locations for each plot, effectively shifting the easting and/or northing of the upper left pixel of the hyperspectral datacube to match that of the ``gdf``. If the shift should only apply to a select number of plots, ``n_plots`` can be passed to restrict the number of plots that are processed. Note: Either the pixel coordinate or the map unit coordinate should be passed for ``crop_X_Y`` and ``buf_X_Y`` in each direction (i.e., easting and northing). Do not pass both. Example: Load the ``hsio`` and ``spatial_mod`` modules >>> import geopandas as gpd >>> import os >>> from hs_process import hsio >>> from hs_process import spatial_mod Read datacube and spatial plot boundaries >>> fname_in = r'F:\\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7-Radiance Conversion-Georectify Airborne Datacube-Convert Radiance Cube to Reflectance from Measured Reference Spectrum.bip.hdr' >>> fname_in = r'F:\\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7_nohist-Radiance Conversion-Georectify Airborne Datacube-Convert Radiance Cube to Reflectance from Measured Reference Spectrum.bip.hdr' >>> fname_gdf = r'F:\\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\plot_bounds.geojson' >>> gdf = gpd.read_file(fname_gdf) >>> io = hsio(fname_in) >>> my_spatial_mod = spatial_mod( io.spyfile, base_dir=io.base_dir, name_short=io.name_short, name_long=io.name_long) >>> dir_out = os.path.join(io.base_dir, 'spatial_mod', 'crop_many_gdf') >>> name_append = '-crop-many-gdf' Get instructions on how plots should be cropped via ``spatial_mod.crop_many_gdf()``; note that a ``pandas.DataFrame`` is returned with information describing how each plot should be cropped. >>> df_plots = my_spatial_mod.crop_many_gdf(spyfile=io.spyfile, gdf=gdf) >>> df_plots.head(5) plot_id_ref pix_e_ul pix_n_ul crop_e_pix crop_n_pix 0 1018 478 0 229 76 1 918 707 0 229 76 2 818 936 0 229 76 3 718 1165 0 229 76 4 618 1394 0 229 76 ... Use the data from the first row of df_plots to crop a single plot from the original image (uses spatial_mod.crop_single) >>> pix_e_ul=113 >>> pix_n_ul=0 >>> crop_e_pix=229 >>> crop_n_pix=75 >>> plot_id_ref=1018 >>> array_crop, metadata = my_spatial_mod.crop_single( pix_e_ul=pix_e_ul, pix_n_ul=pix_n_ul, crop_e_pix=crop_e_pix, crop_n_pix=crop_n_pix, spyfile=io.spyfile, plot_id_ref=plot_id_ref) Save the cropped datacube and geotiff to a new directory >>> fname_out = os.path.join(dir_out, io.name_short + '_plot_' + str(1018) + name_append + '.' + io.defaults.envi_write.interleave) >>> fname_out_tif = os.path.join(dir_out, io.name_short + '_plot_' + str(1018) + '.tif') >>> io.write_cube(fname_out, array_crop, metadata=metadata, force=True) >>> io.write_tif(fname_out_tif, spyfile=array_crop, metadata=metadata) Saving F:\\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\spatial_mod\crop_many_gdf\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7_plot_1018-crop-many-gdf.bip Either `projection_out` is `None` or `geotransform_out` is `None` (or both are). Retrieving projection and geotransform information by loading `hsio.fname_in` via GDAL. Be sure this is appropriate for the data you are trying to write. Using a for loop, use ``spatial_mod.crop_single`` and ``hsio.write_cube`` to crop by plot and save cropped datacubes to file >>> for idx, row in df_plots.iterrows(): >>> io.read_cube(fname_in, name_long=io.name_long, name_plot=row['plot_id_ref'], name_short=io.name_short) >>> my_spatial_mod.load_spyfile(io.spyfile) >>> array_crop, metadata = my_spatial_mod.crop_single( pix_e_ul=row['pix_e_ul'], pix_n_ul=row['pix_n_ul'], crop_e_pix=row['crop_e_pix'], crop_n_pix=row['crop_n_pix'], buf_e_m=2.0, buf_n_m=0.75, plot_id_ref=row['plot_id_ref']) >>> fname_out = os.path.join(dir_out, io.name_short + '_plot_' + str(row['plot_id_ref']) + name_append + '.bip.hdr') >>> fname_out_tif = os.path.join(dir_out, io.name_short + '_plot_' + str(row['plot_id_ref']) + '.tif') >>> io.write_cube(fname_out, array_crop, metadata=metadata, force=True) # force=True to overwrite the plot_1018 image >>> io.write_tif(fname_out_tif, spyfile=array_crop, metadata=metadata) Saving F:\\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\crop_many_gdf\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7_plot_1018.bip Saving F:\\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\crop_many_gdf\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7_plot_918.bip Saving F:\\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\crop_many_gdf\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7_plot_818.bip Saving F:\\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\crop_many_gdf\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7_plot_718.bip Saving F:\\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\crop_many_gdf\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7_plot_618.bip Saving F:\\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\crop_many_gdf\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7_plot_1017.bip Saving F:\\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\crop_many_gdf\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7_plot_917.bip Saving F:\\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\crop_many_gdf\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7_plot_817.bip Saving F:\\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\crop_many_gdf\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7_plot_717.bip Saving F:\\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\crop_many_gdf\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7_plot_617.bip ... Open cropped geotiff images in QGIS to visualize the extent of the cropped images compared to the original datacube and the plot boundaries (the full extent image is darkened and displayed in the background: .. image:: img/spatial_mod/crop_many_gdf_qgis.png ''' kwargs_d = self._check_crop_defaults(**kwargs) if isinstance(spyfile, SpyFile.SpyFile): self.load_spyfile( spyfile, base_dir=self.base_dir, name_long=self.name_long, name_short=self.name_short) metadata = self.spyfile.metadata if gdf is None: gdf = self.gdf plot_id_ref = kwargs_d['plot_id_ref'] msg1 = ('Please load a GeoDataFrame (geopandas library).\n') msg2 = ('Be sure "plot_id" is used as the column heading to identify ' 'plots in the GeodataFrame (`gdf`).\nGeoDataFrame (`gdf`) ' 'column names: {0}\n'.format(list(gdf.columns))) msg3 = ('Please be sure `plot_id` is present in `gdf` (i.e., ' 'the GeoDataFrame) and that plots are identified as integers.' '\nCurrent value of `plot_id_ref`: {0}\nGeoDataFrame ' '(`gdf`) Plot ID data type: {1}\n' ''.format(plot_id_ref, type(gdf['plot_id'].loc[0]))) assert isinstance(gdf, gpd.GeoDataFrame), msg1 assert 'plot_id' in list(gdf.columns), msg2 if pd.notnull(plot_id_ref): if plot_id_ref not in gdf['plot_id'].tolist(): assert int(plot_id_ref) in gdf['plot_id'].tolist(), msg3 plot_id_ref = int(plot_id_ref) else: assert plot_id_ref in gdf['plot_id'].tolist(), msg3 df_plots = self._find_plots_gdf(gdf, plot_id_ref, kwargs_d['pix_e_ul'], kwargs_d['pix_n_ul'], kwargs_d['n_plots'], metadata) # if crop_X or buf_X were passed, overwrite them now crop_e_m, crop_n_m, crop_e_pix, crop_n_pix = self._pix_to_mapunit( kwargs_d['crop_e_m'], kwargs_d['crop_n_m'], kwargs_d['crop_e_pix'], kwargs_d['crop_n_pix']) buf_e_m, buf_n_m, buf_e_pix, buf_n_pix = self._pix_to_mapunit( kwargs_d['buf_e_m'], kwargs_d['buf_n_m'], kwargs_d['buf_e_pix'], kwargs_d['buf_n_pix']) gdf_shft_e_m, gdf_shft_n_m, gdf_shft_e_pix, gdf_shft_n_pix = self._pix_to_mapunit( kwargs_d['gdf_shft_e_m'], kwargs_d['gdf_shft_n_m'], kwargs_d['gdf_shft_e_pix'], kwargs_d['gdf_shft_n_pix']) if pd.notnull(crop_e_pix): df_plots['crop_e_pix'] = crop_e_pix if pd.notnull(crop_n_pix): df_plots['crop_n_pix'] = crop_n_pix if pd.notnull(buf_e_pix): df_plots['buf_e_pix'] = buf_e_pix if pd.notnull(buf_n_pix): df_plots['buf_n_pix'] = buf_n_pix if pd.notnull(gdf_shft_e_pix): df_plots['gdf_shft_e_pix'] = gdf_shft_e_pix if pd.notnull(gdf_shft_n_pix): df_plots['gdf_shft_n_pix'] = gdf_shft_n_pix return df_plots
[docs] def crop_single(self, pix_e_ul=0, pix_n_ul=0, crop_e_pix=None, crop_n_pix=None, crop_e_m=None, crop_n_m=None, buf_e_pix=None, buf_n_pix=None, buf_e_m=None, buf_n_m=None, spyfile=None, plot_id_ref=None, gdf=None, gdf_shft_e_pix=None, gdf_shft_n_pix=None, gdf_shft_e_m=None, gdf_shft_n_m=None, name_append='spatial-crop-single'): ''' Crops a single plot from an image. If ``plot_id_ref`` and ``gdf`` are explicitly passed (i.e., they will not be loaded from ``spatial_mod`` class), the "map info" tag in the metadata will be adjusted to center the cropped area within the appropriate plot geometry. Parameters: pix_e_ul (``int``, optional): upper left pixel column (easting) to begin cropping (default: 0). pix_n_ul (``int``, optional): upper left pixel row (northing) to begin cropping (default: 0). crop_e_m (``float``, optional): length of each row (easting direction) of the cropped image in map units (e.g., meters; default: ``None``). crop_n_m (``float``, optional): length of each column (northing direction) of the cropped image in map units (e.g., meters; default: ``None``) crop_e_pix (``int``, optional): number of pixels in each row in the cropped image (default: ``None``). crop_n_pix (``int``, optional): number of pixels in each column in the cropped image (default: ``None``). buf_e_m (``float``, optional): The buffer distance in the easting direction (in map units; e.g., meters) to be applied after calculating the original crop area; the buffer is considered after ``crop_X_m`` / ``crop_X_pix``. A positive value will reduce the size of ``crop_X_m`` / ``crop_X_pix``, and a negative value will increase it (default: ``None``). buf_n_m (``float``, optional): The buffer distance in the northing direction (in map units; e.g., meters) to be applied after calculating the original crop area; the buffer is considered after ``crop_X_m`` / ``crop_X_pix``. A positive value will reduce the size of ``crop_X_m`` / ``crop_X_pix``, and a negative value will increase it (default: ``None``). buf_e_pix (``int``, optional): The buffer distance in the easting direction (in pixel units) to be applied after calculating the original crop area (default: ``None``). buf_n_pix (``int``, optional): The buffer distance in the northing direction (in pixel units) to be applied after calculating the original crop area (default: ``None``). spyfile (``SpyFile`` object or ``numpy.ndarray``): The datacube to crop; if ``numpy.ndarray`` or ``None``, loads band information from ``self.spyfile`` (default: ``None``). plot_id_ref (``int``): the plot ID of the area to be cropped (default: ``None``). gdf (``geopandas.GeoDataFrame``): the plot names and polygon geometery of each of the plots; 'plot_id' must be used as a column name to identify each of the plots, and should be an integer. gdf_shft_e_m (``float``): The distance to shift the cropped datacube from the upper left/NW plot corner in the east direction (negative value will shift to the west). Only relevent when ``gdf`` is passed. This shift is applied after the offset is applied from buf_X (default: 0.0). gdf_shft_n_m (``float``): The distance to shift the cropped datacube from the upper left/NW plot corner in the north direction (negative value will shift to the south). Only relevent when ``gdf`` is passed. This shift is applied after the offset is applied from buf_X (default: 0.0). gdf_shft_e_pix (``int``): The pixel units to shift the cropped datacube from the upper left/NW plot corner in the east direction (negative value will shift to the west). Only relevent when ``gdf`` is passed. This shift is applied after the offset is applied from buf_X (default: 0.0). gdf_shft_n_pix (``int``): The pixel units to shift the cropped datacube from the upper left/NW plot corner in the north direction (negative value will shift to the south). Only relevent when ``gdf`` is passed. This shift is applied after the offset is applied from buf_X (default: 0.0). name_append (``str``): NOT YET SUPPORTED; name to append to the filename (default: 'spatial-crop-single'). Returns: 2-element ``tuple`` containing - **array_crop** (``numpy.ndarray``): Cropped datacube. - **metadata** (``dict``): Modified metadata describing the cropped hyperspectral datacube (``array_crop``). Example: Load and initialize the ``hsio`` and ``spatial_mod`` modules >>> from hs_process import hsio >>> from hs_process import spatial_mod >>> fname_in = r'F:\\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7-Convert Radiance Cube to Reflectance from Measured Reference Spectrum.bip.hdr' >>> io = hsio(fname_in) >>> my_spatial_mod = spatial_mod( io.spyfile, base_dir=io.base_dir, name_short=io.name_short, name_long=io.name_long) Crop an area with a width (easting) *200 pixels* and a height (northing) of *50 pixels*, with a northwest/upper left origin at the *342nd column* (easting) and *75th row* (northing). >>> pix_e_ul = 342 >>> pix_n_ul = 75 >>> array_crop, metadata = my_spatial_mod.crop_single(pix_e_ul, pix_n_ul, crop_e_pix=200, crop_n_pix=50) Save as a geotiff using ``io.write_tif``, then load into QGIS to visualize. >>> fname_tif = r'F:\\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\spatial_mod\crop_single\crop_single.tif' >>> io.write_tif(fname_tif, array_crop, metadata=metadata) Either `projection_out` is `None` or `geotransform_out` is `None` (or both are). Retrieving projection and geotransform information by loading `hsio.fname_in` via GDAL. Be sure this is appropriate for the data you are trying to write. Open cropped geotiff image in QGIS to visualize the extent of the cropped image compared to the original datacube and the plot boundaries (the full extent image is darkened and displayed in the background): .. image:: img/spatial_mod/crop_single_qgis.png ''' crop_e_pix, crop_n_pix, crop_e_m, crop_n_m = self._handle_defaults( crop_e_pix, crop_n_pix, crop_e_m, crop_n_m, group='crop') buf_e_pix, buf_n_pix, buf_e_m, buf_n_m = self._handle_defaults( buf_e_pix, buf_n_pix, buf_e_m, buf_n_m, group='buffer') gdf_shft_e_pix, gdf_shft_n_pix, gdf_shft_e_m, gdf_shft_n_m = self._handle_defaults( gdf_shft_e_pix, gdf_shft_n_pix, gdf_shft_e_m, gdf_shft_n_m, group='gdf_shft') pix_e_ul, pix_e_lr = self._get_corners(pix_e_ul, crop_e_pix, buf_e_pix) pix_n_ul, pix_n_lr = self._get_corners(pix_n_ul, crop_n_pix, buf_n_pix) # read_subregion may return invalid array if gdf is of image # extent, so we have to have another way to get the cropped array. # pix_e_ul_correct = None # pix_n_ul_correct = None # if pix_e_ul < 0: # pix_e_ul_correct = pix_e_ul # pix_e_ul = 0 # if pix_n_ul < 0: # pix_n_ul_correct = pix_n_ul # pix_n_ul = 0 # read_subregion may return invalid array if gdf is outside image # extent, so we have to crop at zero and shift geotransform accordingly. if pix_e_ul < 0: if pd.isnull(gdf_shft_e_m): gdf_shft_e_m = 0 gdf_shft_e_m += np.abs(pix_e_ul) * self.spy_ps_e pix_e_ul = 0 if pix_n_ul < 0: if pd.isnull(gdf_shft_n_m): gdf_shft_n_m = 0 gdf_shft_n_m += np.abs(pix_n_ul) * self.spy_ps_n pix_e_ul = 0 if spyfile is None: spyfile = self.spyfile array_crop = spyfile.read_subregion((pix_n_ul, pix_n_lr), (pix_e_ul, pix_e_lr)) elif isinstance(spyfile, SpyFile.SpyFile): self.load_spyfile( spyfile, base_dir=self.base_dir, name_long=self.name_long, name_short=self.name_short) array_crop = spyfile.read_subregion((pix_n_ul, pix_n_lr), (pix_e_ul, pix_e_lr)) elif isinstance(spyfile, np.ndarray): array = spyfile.copy() spyfile = self.spyfile array_crop = array[pix_n_ul:pix_n_lr, pix_e_ul:pix_e_lr, :] # array_crop = self._append_null_rows_cols( # array_crop, pix_e_ul_correct, pix_n_ul_correct) metadata = map_info_set = metadata['map info'] if isinstance(gdf, gpd.GeoDataFrame) and plot_id_ref is not None: msg1 = ('Please be sure `plot_id` is present in `gdf` (i.e., ' 'the GeoDataFrame) and that plots are identified as ' 'integers. \nCurrent value of `plot_id_ref`: {0}\n' 'GeoDataFrame (`gdf`) Plot ID data type: {1}\n' ''.format(plot_id_ref, type(gdf['plot_id'].loc[0]))) assert plot_id_ref in gdf['plot_id'].tolist(), msg1 ul_x_utm, ul_y_utm = self._shift_by_gdf(gdf, plot_id_ref, buf_e_m, buf_n_m, gdf_shft_e_m, gdf_shft_n_m) else: utm_x =, 3) utm_y =, 4) ul_x_utm, ul_y_utm =, pix_n_ul, utm_x, utm_y, self.spy_ps_e, self.spy_ps_n) map_info_set =, 3, ul_x_utm) map_info_set =, 4, ul_y_utm) metadata['map info'] = map_info_set if 'history' not in metadata: # add history tag to metadata metadata['history'] = '[no prior history]' hist_str = (" -> hs_process.crop_single[<" "SpecPyFloatText label: 'pix_e_ul?' value:{0}; " "SpecPyFloatText label: 'pix_n_ul?' value:{1}; " "SpecPyFloatText label: 'pix_e_lr?' value:{2}; " "SpecPyFloatText label: 'pix_n_lr?' value:{3}>]" "".format(pix_e_ul, pix_n_ul, pix_e_lr, pix_n_lr)) # If "..crop_single" is already included in the history, remove it idx_remove = metadata['history'].find( ' -> hs_process.crop_single[<') if idx_remove == -1: metadata['history'] += hist_str else: metadata['history'] = metadata['history'][:idx_remove] metadata['history'] += hist_str metadata['samples'] = array_crop.shape[1] metadata['lines'] = array_crop.shape[0] # TODO: Figure out if/when the 'label' tag should be changed. # label = metadata['label'] # if label is not None: # name_label = (os.path.splitext(label)[0] + '-' + name_append + '.' # + self.defaults.interleave) # metadata['label'] = name_label = metadata return array_crop, metadata
[docs] def load_spyfile(self, spyfile, **kwargs): ''' Loads a ``SpyFile`` (Spectral Python object) for data access and/or manipulation by the ``hstools`` class. Parameters: spyfile (``SpyFile`` object): The datacube being accessed and/or manipulated. base_dir (``str``): to be used by the plot gdf attribute data. name_short (``str``): to be used by the plot gdf attribute data. name_long (``str``): to be used by the plot gdf attribute data. Example: Load and initialize the ``hsio`` and ``spatial_mod`` modules >>> from hs_process import hsio >>> from hs_process import spatial_mod >>> fname_in = r'F:\\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7-Convert Radiance Cube to Reflectance from Measured Reference Spectrum.bip.hdr' >>> io = hsio(fname_in) >>> my_spatial_mod = spatial_mod( io.spyfile, base_dir=io.base_dir, name_short=io.name_short, name_long=io.name_long) Load datacube using ``spatial_mod.load_spyfile`` >>> my_spatial_mod.load_spyfile( io.spyfile, base_dir=io.base_dir, name_short=io.name_short, name_long=io.name_long) >>> my_spatial_mod.spyfile Data Source: 'F:\\nigo0024\Documents\hs_process_demo\Wells_rep2_20180628_16h56m_pika_gige_7-Convert Radiance Cube to Reflectance from Measured Reference Spectrum.bip' # Rows: 617 # Samples: 1300 # Bands: 240 Interleave: BIP Quantization: 32 bits Data format: float32 ''' for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in ['base_dir', 'name_long', 'name_short']: setattr(self, k, v) self.spyfile = spyfile = hstools(spyfile) try: map_info_set =['map info']) self.spy_srid = self._get_srid_from_map_info(map_info_set) self.spy_ul_e_srs = float(map_info_set[3]) self.spy_ul_n_srs = float(map_info_set[4]) self.spy_ps_e = float(map_info_set[5]) self.spy_ps_n = float(map_info_set[6]) except KeyError as e: print('Map information was not able to be loaded from the ' '`SpyFile`. Please be sure the metadata contains the "map ' 'info" tag with accurate geometric information.\n') self.spy_srid = None self.spy_ul_e_srs = None self.spy_ul_n_srs = None self.spy_ps_e = None self.spy_ps_n = None